Laidback DM – Useful Links!

I’ve made a few changes to this website to make navigation a bit more easier, but with over 2,500 posts here it can sometimes be a bit tricky to find everything you need. Here are a bunch of useful Tabletop Role Playing Game-specific links:

Search Bar

Just a reminder there is now a search bar on the home page so you can type in a subject or phrase and it’ll take you to the most likely matched pages on this website.

DM/GM Hints

Laidback DM - DM Tools

Maps (including FREE Maps)

Magic Items

TTRPG Reviews

(Note: there will be some old movie reviews, book and music album reviews in here as I only had one ‘review’ category in the good old days when I used to cover lots of different subjects. Give me a bit of time and I’ll consolidate the TTRPG-specific reviews and re-post the link)

Laidback DM -

Session Summaries

Collections of email summaries sent to players after each game. Dodgy spelling and grammar, warts and all!

Curse of Strahd

Tomb of Annihilation

Out of the Abyss

Footfall (Lost Mine of Phandelver, Storm King’s Thunder, Princes of the Apocalyse)

Shadows Over Saltmarsh (Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Descent into Avernus)

For more Laidback DM, click here.

For Laidback DM products, visit Drivethrurpg.

3 thoughts on “Laidback DM – Useful Links!

  1. Steve

    I downloaded the Saint Avon’s Madness PDF from DriveThru RPG and noticed a difference between that title and others of yours. The PDF is done as a two page on one booklet style so when you print it, the layout comes out wrong squishing two pages onto every page. Looks more like what DriveThru would use to make the hardcover books. Just wanted to let you know.



    1. Hi James,

      That was actually a choice lol – I thought people might want a double-page version so it would be easier to print each adventure on one page. I’ll try to find some time to put together a single-page version in the next few weeks. When I post it you’ll receive an automatic email from DrivethruRPG to download it.


      Steve 🙂


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