Maps for Fantasy RPGs Workbook Now Available on DrivethruRPG!

I just released a new book. A new book, you say? And what, pray tell is in this book? I’m glad you asked (even if you didn’t lol).

MAPS! Yes, I’ve taken the full color, hand drawn maps from my MAPS for Fantasy RPGs 2 digital maps package and put them in a 134-page softcover book. Not just any book, but a workbook, where you can add notes to stock your dungeon or while you are improvising during a game session. It means no more loose, lost sheets of paper notes and looks cool on the shelf as a permanent record of your amazing adventures.

I’m planning on making a whole bunch of these, so keep an eye out for future announcements!

To purchase it, visit Maps for Fantasy RPGs Workbook 1 – Laidback DM | DM’s Resources | Digital Maps | DriveThruRPG

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For more Laidback DM, click here.

For Laidback DM products, visit Drivethrurpg.

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