New SHOTGLASS ADVENTURES for DnD 5e & OSR Now Available on DrivethruRPG!

Ever long for the days of simple one-shot adventures with everything included on one page? No hassle, limited prep? Something you could throw at your players and finish in one or two sessions?

My first One-Page scenarios for 5e were released in 2019 in Shotglass Adventures, Volume 1. Since then, my creations have grown in scope, but I‘ve always longed for a return to the simpler One-Page One-Shot format that won me the One-Page Dungeon Contest  two years running (in 2019 and 2020).

Dead in Las Staand and All in the Family are the newest, Underdark-themed, quality adventures in the popular Shotglass Adventures PDF One-Shot series! 

All are fully play-tested One-Page One-Shots for 5e and OSR systems for 8th-9th level characters, including full stat blocks for both old and new 5e and OSR/1e monsters, new magic items, player handouts plus grid and grid-less maps.  

And all for just $3 AU each. Now that’s value! 

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