Shadows Over Saltmarsh (2021-2022) – Session 0 & 1

Hi all,

I previously posted some warts-and-all email summaries of the ‘Curse of Strahd’ campaign I ran in 2017-18, the ‘Tomb of Annihilation’ campaign I ran in 2018-19, the ‘Out of the Abyss’, a campaign I ran in 2020 and the ‘Phandelver’s Pact’ campaign I ran from 2020-2021. CoS was the first campaign I sent summaries to players by email after each game (I was a bit lazy prior to that), which is why I could use them for this column.

Here’s another campaign (some might say my last 5e campaign, if you don’t count all the playtest campaigns I ran and continue to run lol) that started out with a slightly skewed version of ‘Ghosts of Saltmarsh’, then merged with a doctored ‘Descent into Avernus’ and was prematurely cut short when WoTC stunned the community by deciding to be dicks (remember that?), prompting me to run Pathfinder 2e campaigns instead.

‘Shadows Over Saltmarsh’ was set in Greyhawk, my childhood campaign world (created by the eminent Mr. Gygax, himself). Each session was approximately 4-5 hours (sometimes more) long. Most of the summaries appear here as they first appeared. If you’re a D&D fan you may enjoy them. And maybe even if you aren’t.

Steve 🙂

Session 0 – Player Backgrounds

These PC backgrounds were written prior to Session o by the players, then discussed during the session.

Fa’aoa Kamalei Makoakane (Fa’aoa) – Human Barbarian

Born first son of Afoa’a Makoakane Ali’i, High Chief of the Savuta’a Islands in the southernmost waters of the Pearl Sea, that Fa’aoa would inherit his father’s legacy was without challenge.  And so it would be this day, but for his jealous brother, Nohea (who some in hushed whispers named “Nahesa” – The Snake.) 

For Nohea had plotted with Pearl Sea pirates to launch an assault on the Ali’i’s High Guard as they initiated Fa’aoa in the Rites of Chiefdom – a sacred ceremony involving combat, prayer, and the ritualistic tattooing of his lower extremities (yes, all of them.) 

The pirates murdered the Ali’i and his wife, Ailani – Fa’aoa’s mother.  Fa’aoa and the surviving guardsmen were taken as slaves to the pirate galleys.  Fa’aoa did all he could to sustain the morale and health of his men, as they endured the misery of ceaseless rowing, starvation, and scurvy.  Those that survived were sold for profit, Fa’aoa being sent to the Arena dei Gladiatori on the Pomarj Peninsula, where, after two years of brutal combat, he claimed his freedom. 

Nohea was slippery enough to leave no trace of his hand in the affair, and though suspected by some, was nonetheless named Ali’i in the absence of any other claimant.  And none dared call him Nahesa ever more.

Fa’aoa quests now only for revenge – first upon the pirates that murdered his ʻohana, thence upon his wicked brother, title be damned.

Description:  Of towering stature and massive build, Fa’aoa casts an imposing shadow.  His black mane cascades over steel-thewed shoulders of sun-bronzed skin, whilst eyes of deepest sea-green stare longingly south through pendent locks.  A mailed shirt of giant shark scales drapes his rugged form as he dons an arsenal of fearsome tribal weaponry, including his father’s Ali’i War-Club and Shield.  A lava-lava of intricate weave hangs from his waist above two muscular legs, of which only one is adorned from hip to toe in his tribal Chief’s tattoo, for his initiation rites were disrupted halfway through the ceremony.  Fa’aoa is swift to trust no man, but will prove a steadfast ally once befriended, and a relentless foe when provoked.

Korth, Lizardfolk Druid

Korth (“Danger” for those who understand Draconic) is a lizardfolk from the Greenscale tribe of Pomarj. Though his physique is not very impressive by lizardfolk standards, he was born with the powers to control nature (druid). Lizardfolk are not known for their complex emotions. Generally limited to fear, anger, submission, and …”submission”… Those who are born with the ability to control nature, illicit these emotions. Fear and anger, for they may pose a great danger to the tribe, but should they prove themselves worthy, submission would soon be the norm.

As Korth came of breeding age, it was time for him to go into the wild and prove his skills as a survivor, and a hunter, to prove himself worthy to gain breeding rights. One thing he will face for sure, are “the meat that walk on two legs”. Humanoids which have been encrouching on their lands, causing conflict. Korth will study these creatures, learn their behaviours, so that perhaps the tribe can tame them and stop them from destroying the jungle.

Reilynn (pron. “Ray Lin”), Drow Half-Elf Fathomless Warlock

Journal – Day 232.

About 8 months ago, the merchant ship I was on encountered a massive storm, and found myself shipwrecked on an island near Saltmarsh. During this time I’ve been searching for my precious treasure that fell overboard. After exhausting nearly all the supplies on the ship, I fell into a deep sleep on the beach and dreamt that a giant crab named Kargwor offered me a way to get it back, in exchange for me serving it for the rest of my days. What a weird dream.

Journal – Day 235.

All of the supplies are now gone. The giant crab came to see me again with its offer. At this point, I’m willing to try anything so I agreed. When I woke this morning I felt a rush of cool power within me and decided to try again to swim under the water to get down to the sunken ship. I was immediately able to swim further than I had swam before and also found out I no longer needed to hold my breath – what is this power I have been granted?

Journal – Day 236.

Thanks to my patron’s powers I’ve been able to get back my treasure! Now to get off this island and continue my journey to Saltmarsh. I should try to create a large bonfire to attract attention, although I will need to be wary of pirates that inhabit this area. Kargwor has assured me that he will watch over me and keep me safe whilst on the island for the moment, but once I move further away from the island he can only pass on part of his power to me and I will need to fill in the rest.

Journal – Day 241.

Success! I’ve been able to gain passage to a ship by offering up some of the last of my possessions and the offer of helping out on the boat as an extra pair of hands until we make port. Alas someone has stolen my treasure! I suspect it was that fellow who I took up conversation with over the past couple of days. I’ve forgotten his name but I won’t forget the weird moon shaped scar I saw on his neck so I should be on the lookout for him and ask around if anyone has seen him.

Felix – Human Rogue Thief

Felix is young, a little smaller and slighter of build than the average human.

“I was raised by a small and informal collective of thieves, beggars and other outcasts in the city of Gradsul. I know little about my parents except that they were no longer with the collective and no one liked to talk about it. They could have been killed on a job, arrested, or just left for some reason – I just don’t know.

“The group generally considered me bad luck and so I became known by the ironic nickname “Felix”. My original name and my family name, if I had one, are now long forgotten.

“Zankul, the leader of the group, used to beat me. He always ensured I got the worst (dampest, coldest, most cramped) places to sleep and would often take or damage anything I started to consider mine. However, when he thought I wasn’t paying attention, I would sometimes overhear him talking to others about me; making sure someone (never himself) was sneaking me a decent bite of food, or a better blanket in the colder months.

“Zankul also had a way of pointedly not noticing when members of the group tried to teach me skills such as pick-pocketing, at which I eventually became quite adept. He never allowed me to use these skills in the larger, more organized jobs the collective undertook.

“Once I overheard one of the group, a middle-aged woman named Nerys, mention that their thieves tools used to belong to my mother. They are high quality tools with which my mother was, apparently, highly skilled. When I left the collective, I stole them back and I still carry them always.

“I was always curious about the people we encountered and who were our marks and victims. I wanted to learn about the different races, cultures and castes of the city. This was seen as worse than useless by the group, especially as I became less comfortable exploiting people the more I knew about them. This is the tension that led me to leave the group and lead a more solitary existence.

“Unable to stay in Gradsul, I travelled around for a while and found myself in Saltmarsh. During a recent attack on the town, I assisted Kreb Shenker with defending his tavern, The Empty Net. Although we had previously had a frosty relationship, due to my sleeping in his back doorway, he now allows me to sit in a quiet corner of the taproom, sipping the same ale all evening, as long as I keep to the shadows and don’t draw any attention to myself. He even allows me to sleep in the cellar from time to time. In return I do not target his patrons or anyone within a couple of blocks of the inn.”

Ser Karistan, Aasimar Paladin

Knight from a nearby overcrowded city, Ser Karistan left his corrupt order after receiving a calling from his god: establish a new order of holy knights in a new town – the tiny seashore community of Saltmarsh. With no money and no idea how to do this, he boldly set forth… (Okay, the player in mind didn’t write a background, so I’m remembering as much as I can lol).

Session 1 – The Mission and the Escape

Reilyn, Drow Half Elf Fathomless Wizard, was trapped on an island in the Azure Sea, the reefs surrounding the island preventing him from escaping. Stoking his rescue bonfire, he spotted a ship off the shore beyond the reef. The jolly boat and its crew managed to pass through the dangerous reef and rescued him, but when they returned to the ship Reilyn was thrown in the hold with several slaves, en route to an unknown destination. Reilyn realized his special treasure – a small round stone with a hole in it – had been pickpocketed from him.

He met Fa’aoa, a human islander Barbarian from the far south who had lost chieftainship of his tribe to his treacherous brother, and Korth, a lizardfolk druid with a penchant for human flesh. Both had met on the road out of the Pomarj, were drugged by pirates and awoke in this very hold. Freeing the other prisoners, the group intended to trick the guards and break out.

A great storm arose, giving them a golden opportunity. As Reilyn and Fa’aoa broke open the doors, Korth took out the lone pirate guard. The ship hit a reef and the hold started to flood, as Fa’aoa found their stowed gear and released more prisoners. All took up arms to escape the slavers…


Felix was a young human rogue who escaped a life of abuse in an informal thieves’ society in Gradsul. Six weeks ago, he made his way to Saltmarsh and helped Kreb Shenkar of the Empty Net Tavern defend the town against an Orc raider attack. Kreb allowed Felix to sleep in his water-logged cellar and work odd jobs in the tavern. Kreb called Felix over one night and asked him to deliver a bone scroll tube to a Dwarf called Ollie in the town of Seaton, 15 miles up the coast. He agreed to pay the boy 10 GP to deliver it and return, but advised him not to look inside. Felix boarded a coach, which carried him out of town past a sinister looking and supposedly haunted house. Sometime later, a great storm hit the shoreline and the coach pulled up at a fallen tree. The coach driver and guard were killed and zombies loped out of the darkness to battle Felix and a sailor who had travelled with him.


Sir Karistan, an Aasimar Paladin, left his corrupt order after receiving a calling to travel south. His coach was struck by a massive coastal storm and pulled up at a fallen tree, directly opposite the other coach carrying Felix. Karistan faced off against the zombies and noticed a deadly Wight leading them. Several zombies took the coaches and drove them off into the Dread Forest to the north. The wight pursued Karistan and Felix through the woods before giving up and leading its zombies away. On the beach, Karistan and Felix witnessed a ship flailing in the surf 60 feet off shore. 


Fa’aoa made his way to the top deck, battling pirates and getting hit from all sides. Reilyn came to terms with his newfound magical powers. Korth entangled many of the pirates but found himself being struck too many times. The other slaves joined in, distracting the pirates long enough for the newfound party of heroes to get the upper hand. Reilyn found his special treasure in the pocket of a dead pirate – one who had landed in the jolly boat. Unfortunately, the plan to recover the jolly boat to save the civilians soon became moot. The ship cracked in two and everyone leapt into the sea, swimming for their lives for the shore. The civilians and remaining pirates perished, while the ship’s Captain, Tanga, disappeared into the sea.

On the beach, Reilyn, Fa’aoa and Korth met Sir Karistan and Felix. All retired to a nearby beach cave to rest for the night and learn more about each other. Stories were shared, bonds were formed. This could be the start of something special…

Next Week: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh!

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