
Yesterday was the three-year anniversary of the worst day of my life. Those of you who are regulars will know that I celebrated (rather insanely) by walking 24 kms.

But before I did that I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and had an epiphany. Despite the fact that three years ago I lost EVERYTHING that was dear to me, that I’ve been near crippled with depression and anxiety ever since, that I tried to kill myself, that I’m still undergoing therapy to recover from PST–I am a better man now than I ever was before. 

I have accepted my failings. I took responsibility for my actions. While I can never forgive myself, God in his infinite grace, has. I find myself humbled, but stronger emotionally, physically, spiritually. Although I will never recover from depression (I’ve had it all my life), I’ve learned to manage it better. I learned who my true friends are and I value them more than anything. And I have vowed never to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I realised that I had to go through hell to find heaven (that might be a bit of a pithy analogy, but you know what I mean). Like the Phoenix, I needed to burn to rise from the ashes (I’m full of cliches today). Whilst I will always acknowledge my past, it no longer defines me. I am a new man, and I face the future with belief, hope and surety. 

That doesn’t mean you won’t hear me agonising about life. But it does mean I have a new found respect for it (life, that is). And with that comes a new found self-respect. Take that, low self-esteem.


Steve 🙂

10 thoughts on “Rebirth.

  1. I’m so glad to hear it. It has been a long and tough three years to you. Being able to say you’re a better man, and you found self-respect and have hope in the future is a bright and wonderful thing. No one guarantees a smooth path. Having ups and downs is normal in life. Cheers to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Caterpillar, thank you so much for reading and joining. This blog is my catharsis, so you’ll hear me vent occasionally, but most of the time I use it as an outlet for my writing. God is with me always; I am ever thankful he’s kept me alive and kicking so I can bring something (hopefully) special into the world (aside from my son, of course, who is extra special. Phew, saved myself there lol) 🙂


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